Saturday, March 31, 2007

lots more....

My wife, Cruz, on that day in 1986.

Cruz and her Dad, Antonio, early 1960's, east L.A., Calif. The strip photo is from one of those photo booths. Antonio was born in 1917, and now lives in Oregon, USA.

Cruz's Mother, Antonia, 1948, age 27. She passed away due to complications from diabetes in 1977.

Cruz, with popsicle, 1960's, East Los Angeles, Calif. Gotta love it!

NOTE: Her Dad's name is Antonio, her Mother was Antonia. Her last name was Daniel, my first name is Daniel. My Catholic Confirmation name is Anthony, a form of either Antonio or Antonia!!!) We were meant to be.



MargieCM said...

More beautiful pictures Dan. Love Cruz with the popsicle!

Your story of Marion and the genesis of her trumpet playing on Pete's blog made me smile. Apart from being a lovely story about a child's musical instincts, it reminded me of how the eldest of my three girls decided to become a violinist.

We had taken then 4-year-old Madeleine to an amateur production of "Toad of Toad Hall", performed in the round in a local hall. It wasn't very good, but featured a wonderful violin soloist who provided all the music. Goodness knows how she ended up there. No sooner had she started to play, Mads turned her back on the actors, and stared intently at the violinist throughout the play, even between pieces. At final curtain, she annouced: "I'm going to do that."

After six months of constant reminders from her, we found her a teacher. Now seventeen, Mads is in her final year at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School, and will be a career musician. She'll never be a millionaire, but she's doing what she needs and wants to do. Music has given her pleasure, solace, friendships, happiness, travel and a richness of experience beyond anything we could have provided without her passion.

I remember your posts of Marion at that wonderful mountain music camp last year. Same thing. I hope she is able to keep her music as a major part of her life.

Vallypee said...

These are such lovely pictures Dan. What a special coincidence with all the variations of your names being bound up together!