Sunday, March 25, 2007

my wife, Cruz, and me, 1980's

My wife, Cruz, is seen at a Bob's Big Boy restaurant sometime in the 1980's. The other photo, with me, Dan, and the "Daltrey" style hair, shows me and my then wife to be also in the '80's, though even earlier.

I am in the process of using a funky old scanner someone gave to me. It is nothing even close to the amazing old one I had a few years ago, but it will do for now. I am anxious to post so much...but also fully aware of the value to some of my family and friends, as they may find photos here of value to themselves.

There will be much more to come. Those that know me know that.

By the way, when I initially made this particular post, there was no text (like now), would not work on Blogger that night for some reason.

...But it works now!!!


1 comment:

E.L. Wisty said...

Hi there Dan,

Again, lovely photos. The photos you post of family always have a warm, close feeling, which is why they are a joy to see.
