Sunday, December 27, 2009

12/26/09, a Wedding

My 2nd oldest, now married away...

Just before, a bit blurry, but cool...


And after...

And even more after...

Now, just to tell you....I was hungry to get a breakfast that morning, and I ended up wandering way up into our local mountains, just about 2 hours short of needing to show up at the wedding. A PROFOUNDLY wunnurful meal it was! My neighbour, Allen, and meselfers....had a SUPERB chow down!
And it was all around Christmas, Sunday Mass, Wedding, reception, angst, nerves, health, etc. etc. etc....
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas is coming....

Soon it will be CHRISTMAS!
Other than the fantastic birth of Christ....
Christmas often reminds me of the flight of Apollo 8, the one that first orbited the moon, but did not land. We saw it on TV, and loved it all, all around Christmas of 1968.

Here is the link:

Then, it all led up to Apllo 11....the first manned moon landing, in July of 1969...

I was fishing that day, the lunar landing, off a pier in Long Beach, Calif. I caught a Bonito fish, a tuna looking sorta thing...but I did see the landing on TV:

Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) .................................and a Flying Boy.

The test vehicle to teach the moon pilots on Earth how to fly a LEM on the moon....a tricky thing in Earth's heavier gravity. I saw this thing a few years ago at NASA in California. It was sort of sitting off to the side of a building outside, and surrounded by desert dirt and shrubs. I believe it now indoors.

On the moon, Apollo 11, LEM.
If I don't catch ya later, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Super Bowl now more super!

The entertainment at this season's Super Bowl (NFL Football championship game) will be provided by The Who!


Me, my brother, Steve, and many friends at the snowy Grand Canyon, after a whole week down inside, December, late 1970's. We Noted that people from all over the world were there to see the canyon, but it was....FULL of clouds! I, Dan, am behind the backpack with the yellow thing, my brother is at my left (to the right in the photo).

The Friday after Thanksgiving, I walk with grandson, Jesse, on a road into a nearby National Forest.

Hope all had a great Thanksgiving!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Wife and I, 25 years married, and before that, we dated for 4!

That was my wife in the first year or two! Yes, she hated having her photo taken.

Today, me, Dan, I went shooting guns. This is me, with a .50 caliber handgun....a big handful!

Right soon after our wedding, we went to New Orleans, the home of much of my family, and here is Cruz near the big stairway in the very old French Quarter house where much of my family was born.

On that day!

In the Southern California Desert, early 2009, we still are cookin"!
I know her health is poor, we all work so much with her, dialysis and all, but she is still herself, and we are inseparable!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Yes, it's true. I'm 52

With the sun at my back, taken only minutes ago, I still have the old fire in me!

But from the other side of the sun, yes, it's true...the fire is still burning!

And of course, Cruz, my wife, about a month ago (oops....I just posted this same photo recently....ah, well...yet again is fine). She see those happy images of me all the time...poor thing!

I have received a few messages congratulating me for being 52. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not (being older), but I actually have ALWAYS enjoyed getting to be another year older. Every since I was a little most kids I think, ...I wanted to "grow up" know, "I wanna be 10 years old someday".....that sort of thing. Well, it has never changed for me. I regret not yet another single year. I pray for more to come, but....not TOO many! Goodness, I am NOT one of those that would like to live forever.

and now, a special message to all....please turn up the volume....I think it was recorded with low volume.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Been Slow, I know, but sounds poetic...???

Evening, outside my door!

My front happens.

My daughter, Marion, has a GREAT fish tank! A lizard tank is next to it....a leopard gecko!

August 28, at a local museum, the SR 71 Blackbird looks so cool in a new paint job....106 degtrees was HOT!

Our four year old grand boy.....his dinosaur world.

Marion, my youngest, though an her "lab"

Evening sun, summer at the house.

Twilight beauty at home....across the street from me

I believe I have updated a bit....I hope you enjoy...


Friday, July 31, 2009

I had to post this...

It was very spur of the moment (I was off work early today on vacation time to do some needed chores), me and the Grandboy in the little pool in the 94 degree afternoon, but it happened. I was soon to be all soaking wet in the bottom of the pool, with that little rascal dropping buckets of water on Grandpa's head....which he loved, thought was so very funny, and I, reluctantly....but HAPPILY agreed!!
....A moment in time, it was.
PS: 1969 news to come...I need time to focus...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My sweet wife, Cruz, and other things

Cruz, fighting for her health, and looking GOOD!

As for my last post...I do have something to say about 1969, and the moon, but it is late, and I say less at this hour....I'll try again later.

My daughter, Marion's fish tank...lizard tank behind that!


Friday, July 17, 2009

1969 was cool!

Photo courtesy of LIFE magazine, for personal, non- commercial use.

Well, I happen to recall the very first time our planet placed a man on the moon. It seems that LIFE magazine has put out out some photos for "personal, non-commercial use". I tribute them for the photo I post, it is truly a BLAST!

WOW, what a time and place to have been in that moment. I, personally, have a story or two to tell about my own weak connection(s) to that amazing place in time....but I might post that all later. It is not so important....

...but the moment itself, for me, for all the world, was the stuff of dreams from the beginning of time.

Oh, did you know this week was the 40th anniversary of the moon landing? I shoulda started with saying that. Whoops.

Me, Dan, and my Dad, a WWII and Korean War Navy officer, back in the era of the '69 moon landing, give or take a year or so.


Sunday, June 28, 2009


Jesse is doing WHAT?
The grandboy is growing, and he is grander!

This is a photo of a cabin about a half an hour from our home (not counting the hike to get to it....add about half an hour more). I would almost call this a tree house....!!! A great place to take a mountain hike, the canyon where this house is has been a favorite of mine since about 1963 when I first walked up in there.

I did not take the picture, so wherever I got it from, and I do not recall....I credit you.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Recent Happenings

Mother's Day for my wife, Cruz.

Amazingly calm, yet brisk, and strikingly stunning spring weather!

Me, Dan, or what is left of me...totally enjoying the weather of the moment.
Love from us,

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Reflections on Lent, Holy Week

With all the immense turmoil in the world today, we look back to ourselves, at what we have done, and what we will do about that. This is no game. It is spritual warfare. The clock is ticking. Do we not see what I spoke of in an earlier post? The unraveling is accelerating.

There is, of course, hope. By the glory of our Creator, the sun will rise again each day, He with us, us with Him...and we still have each other to tend to. As the journey towards the joy of Easter draws nearer, I wish all of you, whatever your affiliation, peace and love.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hospitals, and guns, of all things

Yeah, yeah...this picture is NOT my wife, I know.
Well, my wife has been in dire straits before, and once again, she of multiple blood transfusions in three days, and now on dialysis for kidney failure, is still cooking along, among the many other complications. She, Cruz, is an absolute trooper! God Bless her sweet, sweet heart. We are there with her every single day, you betcha. I watched the end of the LA Laker basketball game with her (they LOST!), and she is really doing so much better....though not quite "out of the woods" yet.
Before the Laker game and all...I was able, in the midst of all the turmoil, to somehow get away a wife was simply getting the "process" done (dialysis), so, I went to the shooting range on a day off (Sunday), with her sweet blessing. We encountered many things there, including my first EVER chance to shoot an M1 Garand, the main battle rifle of US infantry in WWII. We also encountered a...CANNON! It was a black powered apparatus, that fired...of all things...BILLIARD as in POOL TABLES!

Thus the photos and video I post.

Long live the right to bear arms, by the way.

A very surgical hole in the paper target by an extremely fast moving billiard ball at 50 yards!Then, a photo of life at home, as the family continues with the grandson and his aunts (my daughters), without his dear grandma....we trust she comes home to us soon.

And finally, a fine picture of Cruz (not current, but from the archives, She was in the French Quarter with me (New Orleans) in 1984, just outside the door where my own Dad was born in 1925!...we want to see her home, and want to see her well...


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Basketball craziness

I used to follow college basketball, but it is too much for me now. I also used to play the game a whole lot. In 1973, I was still in high school. Click to enlarge. Guess who I was.
Just about one year before the photo of team, these guys heavily inspired me.
We can all make a comeback.