Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Would you like to see something man-made in space with JUST YOUR EYES?

This (image) is a sample graphic to show the tracking of the ISS (International Space Station)

This is what the website has to offer:

Welcome to the new-look Heavens-Above!
If you're interested in satellites or astronomy, you've come to the right place! Our aim is to provide you with all the information you need to observe satellites such as the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle, spectacular events such as the dazzlingly bright flares from Iridium satellites as well as a wealth of other spaceflight and astronomical information.
We not only provide the times of visibility, but also detailed star charts showing the satellite's track through the heavens. All our pages, including the graphics, are generated in real-time and customized for your location and time zone. Frequent visitors will notice we have changed the appearance of the site somewhat and added the option of user registration. This has been done to open the door to a host of new, customisable features which will be appearing over the coming months. "


We, my family and a number of friends, have seen the ISS travel overhead, BRIGHT and easily seen, on a number of occasions. Try it out. If you would like help, I am here. Also, try reading the information provided. It includes star charts.

--Dan L.


Bonfire Jones said...

Hi Dan & Happy New Year! I've got too many Blogs & didn't notice your comment until recently.

Hope your people down in New Orleans are doing ok. Katrina really was terrible. I hope they do something to preserve the marshes & wetlands down there.

They act as a 'natural sponge' as they absorb waters running down towards New Orleans. They can build levees to the sky but-if those marshes are wiped out-no levee will be able to hold up.

Let's pray they finally do something to prevent such disasters in the future.

Thanks for your comments. Now you know why I am... Bonfire Jones

Tommy DisCool said...

Hey Dan - "If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two strong oxen or 1024 chickens?" - Seymour Cray (1925-1996) father of supercomputing

That is funny!

I bet he put his thumbs inside his pants and stood tall with an expression like, "I bet that will shut them up."

If he presented me with that question I would have said, give me one good tractor instead. This would force the discussion back to the ACTUAL things that were being compared, and that can lead to a lot of questions about the future of technology and could it become feasible someday that a few thousand small machines scattered about may be as powerful as 2 mammoth machines housed next door to each other.

Sometimes an analogy is used to squash the argument. In this case people would answer, "Why, the Oxen, of course!" End of discussion.

I found that TOP management liked to use analogies that had nothing to do with the product. They often thought they're being clever, only to discover later that the analogy was really pretty stupid.

Turns out those "1024" chickens were mighty strong after all.

Dan L. said...

Tommy D:

I was wondering about you.

It is much appreciated that my somehow persona has fit into the mix you describe. Thank you for your answer to me.

I was thinking you thought me a "stalker". If so, you are many light years off the mark.

To be honest, yes, it is me...I am truly real. I do love and appreciate Mr. Townshend. I also must admit, I cannot "sell" him to my friends and family. I am a big fan of his, but I also know where to draw the line. I have taken a huge personal "hit" because of his so called "porn" behavior. It has cost me very dearly...with friends and family. I am heavily beaten for supporting him, but not just me, KIDS mind you...they are ridiculed for their Dad...supporting school. It is very painful. He will likely never know.

You know.

--Dan L.