Thursday, January 12, 2006

My Dad wrote a book!

Well, my Dad, who's picture on this blog is in a few places, has written a book. It was originally written to provide an important historical record for our family and friends. I see it has moved on to bigger things. This is not an ad to sell the book, I am just a very proud son. I know nothing of any financial or advertising arrangements my Dad has made with anybody. As I said, I am just proud to place it here, on my blog.



TheStLouieWhoie said...

Dan, that is very cool. I was so proud of my dad when he decided to go back and fly an airplane again after not doing so for fifty years! You gotta love it!


Dan L. said...

So very, very kind of you.

I love airplanes. They are one of my great interests, though I do not fly. Great news you share, on YOUR Dad!


--Dan L.

Dan L. said...

Correction: I do fly, just not a pilot.

--Dan L.

lryicsgrl said...

That is something to be proud of.