Sunday, January 01, 2006

This is Funny!

A friend sent this picture to me. I have no clue what is transpiring, but it is funny!



Anonymous said...

That is a riot! Have a good 2006. I won't be doing that to my dog!


E.L. Wisty said...

Oh my, they have come up with a species of dogs that can fly? Seriously speaking, great picture. Really looks like the dog is flying.

AndyW said...

Maybe it's a new sport.
Indoor beagle toss.

E.L. Wisty said...

There's a Monty Python sketch I was reminded of: about a talk show called "Interesting people" where one of the guests is a guy who has a cat who can fly across the room and land in a bucket of water. The talk show host asks something like "so, she can really fly?". The guy: "No, I fling her!"


I think your comment about the Inquisition was quite ok, nothing offensive there. It's just someone else started shouting and ranting about it (rather than posting a sensible reply) and that's why Pete decided to delete the whole thing. I think that's what happened, I didn't really follow it properly.

neilbymouth said...

hahhhha poor bugger that cruel isnt it, bloody funny though lol

Sarah said...

That dog looks terrified, yet adorable.

Everytime I look at your picture on PT's blog I think you're about to flip the bird. Rock on. ;o)

Hope you're new year is going well so far.