Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Moon...we have been there.

I love space exploration. I am proud to be an American. This is a fantastic image. Click on it, and it will become larger for you.



whatever said...

First we ruin Mother Earth... next the rest of the Universe... hey, enjoy it while we can...

The Cosmos... interstellar travel awaits us... back on Pete's blog...

TheStLouieWhoie said...

Oh Dan, what a beautiful poem you wrote about Pete and the whale. I wish I had the time, I would love to make a children's book from it.

My father worked as a cartographer for the government and spent many hours making maps of the moon. I will pass on the research that you did on the training aircraft. He has macular degeneration and only has about 20% of his vision left so he won't be able to actually see the pictures. Talking about his days in the army airforce will cheer him up a bit. He was stationed at Chrissy Field for uhh..not sure how long. I'll have to ask him. Anyway, thank you so much for the info.