Friday, November 27, 2009

Super Bowl now more super!

The entertainment at this season's Super Bowl (NFL Football championship game) will be provided by The Who!


Me, my brother, Steve, and many friends at the snowy Grand Canyon, after a whole week down inside, December, late 1970's. We Noted that people from all over the world were there to see the canyon, but it was....FULL of clouds! I, Dan, am behind the backpack with the yellow thing, my brother is at my left (to the right in the photo).

The Friday after Thanksgiving, I walk with grandson, Jesse, on a road into a nearby National Forest.

Hope all had a great Thanksgiving!



Vallypee said...

Wow the Who playing at the super bowl? It will rock for sure, Dan. Nice pic of you and your family and friends and especially of you and the little one. Happy thanksgiving to you Dan, and I hope Cruz is doing well xx

Dale said...

What a great thing!
The Who playing at the Superbowl. I am not much of a football fan, but I will be absolutely sure to watch the half-time show!
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family!


Dale said...

I also love the pic of the not Grand Canyon - full of clouds. It's like the time we went to see the Hope Slide, just outside Vancouver, and it was so foggy we couldn't see two feet in front of us! Not one bit of the landslide was visible through the clouds and rain.
The photo is oh, so 70's!
Have you ever watched "That 70's Show"? I love it!


grace said...

It's the Superfabulous Bowl!!

fantastic photos Dan. xo

Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...
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grace said...

Happy Holidays Dan, to you and your loved ones. I hope all is well. xox