Saturday, March 29, 2008

My old jeep, and other things

Me and my old friend....a Jeep, back in the 1970's. I miss that old crate!

Me and my youngest daughter, about 1993 or so. Look at the expressions....are they not speaking volumes? Those of you that see this and know about your know what I mean! Others with no can tell too!

My Mother, sometime when my Dad was in the Navy...dunno what year, or where she is. He was in WWII and Korea. She is working hard! She passed away in the very early 1960's.


Vallypee said...

You must have a wonderful store of these old photos, Dan! I love them. The one of you and your jeep is great, and I chuckled at the matching expressions on your and your little girl's face. Your mother was a very pretty lady indeed, and how neat she was - even while hanging out the washing. Are those Nissan huts? Was she with your father then? If that were me, I'd be a wind blown mess!

MargieCM said...

What a great little collection, Dan. That one of you and your daughter is especially priceless. I know exactly what you mean.

Vally is right about your beautiful mother - looking elegant amongst prefab huts is not easy!

And oh, a man and his Jeep, with the world in front of him ...

grace said...

Bet you miss your old friend :)

Yes a picture speaks a thousand words.

Love the pic of your Mom. These pics tell such a story. Truly wonderful memories.


MargieCM said...

Dan, I just had a thought - I knew your daughter's expression here reminded me of something. There's a photo I've seen of one of PT's daughters - Emma, I think - at a similar age, holding on to a park sign or something like that. I'm sure the expression around the mouth is identical, and I remember it because it was so cheeky and two of my own girls were around that age at the time I saw it. Let me know if you want proof and I'll see if I can hunt it out for you.

Dale said...

I want your jeep

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Dan,
what great photos- I think the one with your daughter is just so cute. Val is right- your mother has such an elegant face. I often think our parents' generation somehow managed to always look so well put together no matter what they were doing. I think it must have been the tailoring, or the materials they used.

I'm sorry about your sweet cat. Losing pets is always so hard.


Dale said...

I do love the expressions!

It could be one of the poopy diaper sort...

Vallypee said...

Hi Dan, I just read your comment on Anne Marie's post. I'm so sorry you lost your cat. That is very hard to deal with, I know. Having had many many very dear pets in my life, I know you never get used to losing them. I feel for you.

I've had cats that were very dear to me too, and I lost my last cat while living on my boat. I vowed then not to have another cat while living afloat. Now I have a dog that I'm just as soppy about, and she is not in good health, so it's something I can especially empathise with at the moment. I'm sure your dear feline friend will remain in your memory for always.

Dan L. said...

I really truly want to thank you and all for your comments on this post...indeed, on many of my blog posts. I do read them all, often more than twice, and feel "connected" by the thoughts and words they bring.

If it somehow seems I am "not here", it is far from the truth. I love the "net", and wish y'all the very best...and I mean all the time!

Dale: I did NOT have a poopy diaper. Neither did my runt kid, by the way.

vallyp: I sure do have a TON of old photos...too many, I think. And yes, my cat is sorely missed...she and actually used to take a walk quite was after dark, and I would have a beer...just me and she. She was a form of dog, but really a cat.

margiecm: I cannot dwell too much on what you describe as my mother looking "elegant"...I do think she did, though. I just miss her so terribly. jeep was like a dog...yes it was.

grace: You, as did the other post folks, got the feel from my post that I was trying to put out. Thank you, as you too know what I am sending connects for me.

anne-marie: I believe you are mother seemed to pull that off quite often. Thank you so very much!

--Dan L.