Saturday, November 24, 2007

Where in the world is Dan?

My high school basketball team photo, 1973. I was a junior (3rd year). I was about 16-ish years old. Which one do you think is me?

Here is a hint:

Me, Dan, with two oldest kids, around 1989. No, I don't look the same, but it gets closer to the day than if I put my present mug up on the screen! This photo with the kids was when I was in my 30's.

As in present mug:

Hey!...How'd Pete sneak in here again?
Don't forget to "click" on the photos to see them better!


wind-up-man said...

I have a mug of coffee,You have Petes' Mug.Inequity if I do say so myself!!! Had I know the extra greenbacks would have afforded me the honor of meeting His Honour....Maybe lightning does strike twice?(next time)!! Happy Thanksgiving,and a Merry Christmas to You and Yours! Danny

MargieCM said...

Well I'm guessing number 4. And my, haven't basketball shorts got bigger over the years?

1989, eh? That's the year my eldest was born, and I turned 30. I remember it very fondly. Your picture also brought back memories of many swings pushed in the years following.

Ah, Pete. He will barge into these little reminiscences, won't he? It's a lovely, happy photo Dan.

grace said...

Oh, yahoo, (sorry) the best photo of you is with Pete!! I am not sure of you in the b-ball pic. But I can see you with Pete :)

grace said...

hehe, I know... aww, good guess Margie! I am so bad at that stuff.

Mike S said...

Your photos are all fantastic,
you have a lovely family Dan.
I love going back and looking
at the old pics,it always brings
a tear in my eye when I think
about the free and easy times
of youth.But the children make
the present times just as sweet
and memorable as well as we live
vicariously through them(wink) :)

Thanks for stopping by and
checking out the Who 71 stills.
They are moving aren't they? :)

Dan L. said...

Thank you, all folks, for your fine and meaningfull comments!

I am, afterall, the big number "4", yes I was.

Margie, yes, those kids are happy, and it was a great memory!...But it was...YESTERDAY....but it was not.



Dale said...

Hey Dan...I'd say, according to the hair, you're the one on the far left.

Maybe legs were longer in those days, Margie...

In 1989 I was just pregnant with Beth - with a cast on my right foot - and still riding horseback through the mountains!

And Pete sneaks in once more!

Dale said...

Ok, it pays to read all the comments before publishing.

Number 4 was my next guess...


Dan L. said...

Ah, Dale!

I see you have found your way with my question of the photo.

You may notice that the picture was taken with us basketball players in a semicircle. We seem to be all close to the same height, as per that photo perspective. Actually, That one guy you though was me was really about 6 inches shorter than me!...though we look close as per the picture.

I am 6 ft. 3 in., and was one of the taller fellows in that picture.

...But me, number 4 had way better hair than he!...or maybe not?


--Dan L.