Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Risen Jesus

One of the women encounters the risen Jesus.
Happy Easter!



Vallypee said...

Hi Dan, thanks for the visit to my Watery Ways blog. I guess it must have been a bit confusing! It's actually a book I'm busy writing about my early days here, and yes you're right, Koos and I are an item, but at the time of the story, we'd only just become one ;-)

Anyway, I've been looking through your photos and I like the ones of your wedding and your wife when she was young. What a sweet face she has! The pictures are a lovely catalogue of your life and memories aren't they?

Hope you had a happy easter too., Dan, and that the spring is bringing you an explosion of new growth and flowers!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Dan,
I hope you and your family have a Happy Easter! Thanks for dropping by and saying hello.


Chris Capp said...


Happy Easter to you and your family. I hope you had a happy and blessed weekend.

I always liked the story of the two guys who met Jesus on the road to Emmaeus (after the Resurrection)and didn't recognize him. It was only when they invited him to dinner and broke bread together that they realized who he was. In the breaking of the bread. I could relate to that.


Suesjoy said...

Hope you had a lovely Easter too my dear!
Take care and be well.