Sunday, July 23, 2006

Deliver the Idyllwild!

This whole post is about a trip to Idyllwild, California, a mountain community between 5,000 and 6000 ft. high, and about 75 road miles from home.

California has a great National Forest Service bunch of firefighters. Here is a bunch of them, on their way, near the active fire zone.

Marion, she is now 16...plays the trumpet. A scholarship was granted to a fantastic Art Institute, two weeks in the mountains at over 5,000 ft., all girl dorms, ALL work schedule...

More pic description: Cruz, my wife, helps her "sign in" to the Institute.

This whole post includes random pictures, and random writings, since I have NO IDEA how blogger really relates to this post process. The pictures might be anywhere, but still relate.

There is a rather neat place that a music event takes place...the venue is very is one of the pictures, here...with the bellowing coverings, bridges, and chairs.



MargieCM said...

Wow Dan, what a wonderful place, and a fabulous opportunity for Marion. How great that her music can take her places like that. Music camps are intensive, but you and she will be amazed at how much she comes away with. And just spending time being with like-minded souls - it doesn't get much better.

Look forward to reading about how it went in two weeks time.

M x

grace said...

Hi Dan, Great pictures, I thought the last post at first was taken by you. Beautiful. Wow, what a great scholarship. 2 weeks in the mountains playing and learning and interacting with other musicians. Should be a fantastic experience.

Metalchick said...

Hi Dan,
I've been to Idyllwild. When I was in 8th grade, our class went on a weeklong field trip to Astrocamp. It was fun cause it was all hands on learning. There was geology, astronomy, and other scientific stuff.
It's very beautiful up there! I hope Marian enjoys her experience up there.

E.L. Wisty said...


That looks like a wonderful place from the pictures! I'm very happy for your daughter! Hopefully she is having the time of her life there.

eva said...

hi Dan,
What is now known as asro-camp used to a boarding school (the desert sun school and then elliot pope preparatory school.) I went there! I graduated in 1986! I haven't been there since. I miss it! I should give it a visit.

Metalchick said...

I got the picture you e-mailed me, thanks!

I didn't know that! That does make sense of why all the rooms were dormitories.