Thursday, June 29, 2006

Much is happening

There are SO MANY issues happening here, at the house. Family members in dire straits, so much in need, so many. We are hanging in there. We never, EVER give up. I , myself, am a stubborn fool.

It was 108 degrees yesterday. Maybe as hot, or hotter, today.

Here is a great (but poor) photo of a suit of armour from Allen's garage. It must be very old. This poor guy (the armoured suit) is lying down, and lost to the world. He will end up hearing a lot of music, here!



Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...

Lots of good cheer from London.
Thanks for the good wishes :)

grace said...

Never give up the ship! I am sending you positive thoughts your way. Hope this holiday weekend is going good for you. x Grace

Dale said...

Hi Dan

There's been lots happening on our home front, too, so I can relate.

All I can say is it will get better, soon or later.

Hang in there my Friend. All my love to your family.

Smiles :)

E.L. Wisty said...

Hm, how did he end up in the garage??

Blessings and strength for all that is going on!


Dan L. said...

The Knight was a product of antiquity.

As are we all, when the day arrives.

--Dan L.