Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It's been a while, for me, but...

My blog has mostly been aimed, by me, as being a timely, entertaining/imformative sort of thing. I must say, I have not been able to be much of any of that, lately. It seems that the health of my sweet wife, Cruz, as well as that of her Father (born in 1917!), have been the most recent focus of attention.

I have always been a believer in visual photos, so I will throw some out there in this post. I love to emphasize the postive side of things, so....that is where I go!

Yet again...she comes home from the hospital!

Cruz with her Daddy, very early '60's.

That is all for now...



Dale said...

Best wishes for good health and a speedy recovery for both Cruz and her father.
Our prayers are with you and yours.


P.S. Cruz looks beautiful in the photo.
And tell her I want a pair of those capris pants!

grace said...

The picture of Cruz with her Dad is precious. I wish you and your family much health and peace. All the best to Cruz.

xo grace