Monday, January 08, 2007


I saw this picture this morning. It is said to be Cedar Key Airport, Florida. I don't know about anybody else, but I don't like the looks of this one. The plane is a Piper Cherokee, which looks better than the airstrip, and more firmly planted.

I got this from some website named "Ron's Place" on the web. I was looking up stuff on 1957, and ran across some fine cars from the 1950's. Since this will be the year that turn the Big Five-O, I plan on popping a few 1957-era stuff on my blog from time to time. I use 1957, because that is when I came into this world, of course.

As I said, the first 1957 item appears today...courtesy of


It is Pete Townshend, with a guitar used on Quadrophenia, a 1957 Fender Stratocaster. I do not believe Pete had yet obtained a guitar until he was about twelve years old, in 1957...inspired by my arrival maybe? Hah!

--Dan L.


Dale said...

No, Pete must have been inspired by OUR arrival!


Stop making a mess on my blog...

No don't. I love hearing from you.

That airstrip does look a wee bit dicey... STAL aircraft only?

Metalchick said...

Hi Dan,
That is weird, an airport surrounded by water!

I like Pete's stratocaster, looks cool!