Wednesday, March 29, 2006

On the road to San Francisco, you can see the local stuff...that makes America...America.

A gas station, Thursday, 3/23/06, on the bus route to Hayward, and San Francisco. A display of great "Americana".

"The gas station"

--Dan L.


Dale said...

Hi Dan

Thanks for visiting my blog. I just did a "surf" through yours & we have much in common.
I quite appreciate your love for your family - it shines through.

I didn't find the post about Dick Dale, but I don't have much time - I have to get ready for work & kids to school.

It's Friday!!!

I will be back for a more thorough visit.

I like the photo of typical Americana.


Dale said...

Hello again!

I had to make a reappearance on your blog. I love it!
You're funny & artistic - the whale poem is GREAT!

I found the Dick Dale tribute, too.

I have added your blog to my favourites...

Thanks for the entertaining time.
