Saturday, April 01, 2006

Who is the king of the guitar?

There was a poll of some kind that took place recently in a popular music magazine. It rated guitar players according to their skills (you'd think). Pete was ranked somewhere around number fifty or sixty. I think they made a mistake. He is much better than that. Looking at this picture, I suppose he would agree...royally!



ginab said...

A very English king of a guitar player our pete. I wonder where Stevie Ray Vaughn was listed. Clapton. Eddie VH, Steven Vie, Jimmy P, Carlos Santana, Brian May, Keith Richards, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, and on and on.

The lost hour of sleep: I think it's within our nature to deny time is slipping away. I think most of America was up extra late. I was. I closed my eyes at 7:30 this morning, which had been 6:30 the morning before. Settling in with the New York Times.

my best to you and yours, Dan!


who4ever said...

wow !
Pete is the king of the guitar!!!
I love him!

