Monday, September 26, 2005

I find this a strange world, indeed. I mean, the blogging thing. I was introduced to it by someone I have never met...Pete Townshend via his blog via his website. What a whacky world! I will occasionaly say things here...of course. I also will misspell words!



Michael said...

my spelling suckz also. Great comment on Petes. I find it facinating too about the star stuff. If you go to my site I have a post about Music Defined. I would love to here your comment. THere is also one where my wife was yelling at me while I was listening to Quadrophenia called Sunday. I will put you in my favorites. This blogging stuff is weird.Its like you can tell things and get them off your chest and then you find out there are other people out there with the same things michael :) And you find some great friends with the same interests. Like where am I going to find a Quadropheniac in redneck sw florida

Dan L. said...


On The Boy Who Heard Music...

Now look what you have done to me today.

I am prompted to put out some information regarding space and time. It is one of my favorite subjects.

Think of this:

Electrons are said to travel at the speed of light. Einstein proposed that anything traveling at that speed is essentially in a different time frame (relativity).
Now, we all know that our bodies consist of atoms, with electrons (again, traveling at the speed of light). Those electrons must not, therefore, be in the same time frame as we are as per Einsteins's theory...or are they? This suggests that many billions upon billions of atoms that make up our bodies do not necessarily occupy the same time and space! We are actually in a state of "flux" of some sort.

It gets better...

There have been experiments conducted that have determined that gravity has an effect on time. Indeed, light itself is warped by gravity as it travels through space between the stars. This can be determined by the "bending" of light (astronomical observations)as it travels from a distant star to us here on Earth.

If this is true (and it has been proven such), then not only are our individual atoms flitting around in different time and space from each other, but also true that our head is in a different time "zone" than our feet (since our head is further from the gravitational pull of the Earth)!

This is real stuff, all of you out there. Yet, somehow we all interact...we perceive ourselves to be together "in the present", as it were.

How do we move our feet? How do we communicate with each other...we are all in this "flux".

Pete, you brought this all back out of me today -- or was it tomorrow...or will it be yesterday, or...

Yet, Pete's blog picture still looks like Santa Claus!

--Dan, Cruz & kids

Dan L. said...

Today is a quite cool and blustery day. A wonderful change in weather after months of heat, heat heat.

Maybe next week I will go to Edwards AFB for the big air show. Chuck Yeager (1st person to break the sound barrier) is still flying in the show these days...super!

Today I listen to the Moody Blues and the song, "You and Me". It is from Seventh Soujourn. If you catch that one someday, it seems to reference God in a way...listen to the part about "loving Son".

I have been searching for Pete Townshend's 5th chapter of his novella (listed on Saturday's at his website, BUT NOT this Saturday...where is it, Pete?) Hey Pete, we all are busy at times, and so are you! I can't always get to my projects either. That's perfectly OK with me. I am patient. I don't live for your novella anyhow...just like to see how it goes. I will check again later....

'Nuff for now, have a great week any and all,


Dan L. said...


Nabonidus said...

Hi again Dan,
I wrote this far back like this because I don't really want the other bloggers to read this. This is my way of emailing you.
I just got your post at my blog about Charlton Heston.
Dan, I have sooo much respect for Mr. Heston. I love him, and I get so mad about how liberal Hollywood bashes
people like him, just because he has different views than they do!
They bash all of the Republican
celebrities,and I see that it's really like being blacklisted, if you are a Christian and a movie star, you have to either keep it a secret or pretend that you aren't in order to continue to get work and not be smeared in the press!
I'm not a Christian, and I have said that - but I also am not blind,like to think that i'm a fair person, and
I see the ...persecution that goes on in the media if you are a Christian.And I do share some views that Christians and Republicans share. I think it says a lot that I write this in a secretive way, rather than post it where others can see it.
No I'm not Christian, but I do have eyes and am able to be open minded.
Charlton Heston is the man! and I love how he doesn't hide his beliefs, stands up for what he believes in.
And if you can throw this away after you read it, it might be best. I don't want people to come to my blog or email me and try to start trouble over it.I'm not quite as brave as Mr. Heston. :)