Monday, September 26, 2005



Dan L. said...

I am getting better at this...but does not mean I have anything significant to say yet...stay tuned for significance...

John W Leys said...

signifigance is in the eye of the beholder.

Dan L. said...

I would like to offer a really interesting perspective on the night sky to any that would like to check it out...

At can follow the path of the ISS (International Space Station) and actually see it travel across the night (evening) sky. If anyone needs help, I will assist.

Anybody wanting to know about "Who" stuff, well....I have diddled around a lot, and gathered interesting background stuff.

Example: Keith Moon and Zak Starkey used to play together (play, as in play), according to a biography on Keith. Of course Ringo's son was younger, but Keith loved kids.

Small wonder he lent his drumming skills to Zak, and Zak drums for...The Who (Who2?)

Significance: That was more significant, I hope.


Dan L. said...

Today is Saturday, October 1st, 2005. I thank God for blessing us all with another day of life. Each day is a present from above.
