Sunday, October 16, 2005

October 16....more musings...

Today is a quite cool and blustery day. A wonderful change in weather after months of heat, heat heat.Maybe next week I will go to Edwards AFB for the big air show. Chuck Yeager (1st person to break the sound barrier) is still flying in the show these days...super!

Today I listen to the Moody Blues and the song, "You and Me". It is from Seventh Soujourn. If you catch that one someday, it seems to reference God in a way...listen to the part about "loving Son".

I have been searching for Pete Townshend's 5th chapter of his novella (listed on Saturday's at his website, BUT NOT this Saturday...where is it, Pete?) Hey Pete, we all are busy at times, and so are you! I can't always get to my projects either. That's perfectly OK with me. I am patient. I don't live for your novella anyhow...just like to see how it goes. I will check again later....

'Nuff for now, have a great week any and all,


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