Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday Car Show

First of all, Cruz is HOME! She is slowly recovering....much to do.

I was able to get away with one of my daughters to a car show after Mass on Saturday evening. We saw another daughter at the restaurant next to the car show. Here are some photos...
(NOTE: Neither myself, nor any of my family in these photos)



Vallypee said...

Gorgeous old cars, Dan! I especially like the old green Porsche...lovely lovely cars! Thanks for these pics. I have a sneaky love of real old classic cars.

grace said...

Oh I am so happy Cruz is home, and doing well. ((hug))
Oh yes...those cars. Classique.


grace said...

On the eve of your birth day,

Happy Birthday Dan! Wishing you an awesome day!


Metalchick said...

Hi Dan!
I'm back! Those are nice looking cars.