Thursday, January 15, 2009

The year is already full of itself!

First, a caricature of me and my wife about four or five years ago....too fun!
Here comes the great ramble:

We have visited the movie theater, and saw Gran Torino. We LOVED it!

The temperature around here has approached 90 degrees F. for over a January! This very morning, it was 72 degrees at 6:00 AM!

We have had MANY medical fiascos. All are still walking this earth, after the very dusty dust has cleared, every single day has it's story, me.

We have a dog...I don't know was not the dog we wanted, but they are dogs anyway, they know it.

We will soon be doing the unthinkable....driving a LEXUS!....a great deal was bestowed on us...albeit for only 12 months, but whoa....we will be in the "upper" world for a wackie year with a Lexus RX 400h hybrid 4WD... at less than the price of the van we drove from 2001 to 2004! Wow...and how! I got it for my sweet wife...though I will drive it for the first few months...I have very little money, but my job gave me the great connection for her. Trust me, we are eternally broke, but my job is a blessing times ten.

We visited the great and wonderful desert near us last week....WOW, as always!

Here is a photo op:

Yes, though it was quite warm, my wife is not well....see the jacket (coat), she runs "cold" a whole lot. Marion, my youngest daughter is, seated next to her.

I will try to be online more....



Vallypee said...

Oh Dan, I love the caricature! Too precious! I bet you treasure it...and I'm so glad you are enjoying a taste of luxury even if it is temporary. Cruz deserves to be spoilt.

It seems unfair that she is so unwell with all that lovely weather you are having. I would trade some of what we've got here... ;-P

I remember when I went to SA for the first time, I said I didn't mind being poor as long as I could be warm...those blue skies in your photo are enough to make me feel better already, but I would wallow in some of your sunshiny weather now.

I so hope Cruz feels better soon and can feel the warmth...she has yours, at least.

Bless you xx

Dale said...

What a lovely caricature, Dan! The artists is very talented.
Nice photo of Cruz, too. I did get a kick out of the concrete sidewalk meandering through the desert...
Our weather was in the -30 degrees C before Christmas, but it has warmed up since. We are now enjoying temperatures hovering about zero right now while the rest of the country is experiencing a deep freeze. I cannot imagine 90 degrees in January!
And I love dogs. What's his/her name? Maybe you should name it "Lucky"...
As for the Lexus... wow! Even if it is only temporary, enjoy the time you have driving it.
Just remember, it's not what you are in when you drive, but what's in your heart when you drive it... :D


Vallypee said...

Nice one Dale, I like that last line!

Hope you are doing okay, Dan!

grace said...

The caricature is fantastic Dan.

I hope soon this year Cruz feel better.
The weather has been spectacular, unfortunately the winter has come back. that is alright, in need of rain desperately.

enjoy the ride in your Lexus! :)

I guess we should be thankful for the jobs we have, times are so tough, and budgets so tight it is squeezed beyond belief, I hear ya.

keep the faith, xo

ps-we would love to see you blog more :)