Sunday, August 03, 2008

Wholigans and Grandpups

I received my Wholigan shirt yesterday as per membership at the website of The Who. It will fit 'till I wash it and it shrinks, even in cold water and hang dry. Oh well, they don't hand out bigger than 2X, I need 3X! I might try shrinking too.

Here is a video of the Grand boy, Jesse with my wife, Cruz, about two weeks or so ago. I am using my cell phone recorder, and it is my voice speaking to him. He is 2 1/2 yrs. old now. Time has flown, weeds are growing.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I always get a kick out of hearing how tiny-itty-bitty the voices of small children sound. I hear your grandson's age group, I heaR them speak, pretty regularly at the YMCA. Precious.

I don't think the weeds are growing too quickly.


grace said...

Hi Dan,

He is a cutie. Seems sweet, although am sure they all have their moments, but not with Grandma/pa :)
Oh, I received my Wholigan shirt, it is very large, so I don't know that they made any small ones!

take care, Grace

MargieCM said...

Hi Jesse! Hi Dan! (I can't type the accent, whcih is veeerrry cute). Loved the vid. That's what I love to see - kids reading with people they love.

As for the T-shirt, mine seems enormous, though it's the smallest size they had. I now consider it my patriotic Who-duty to eat and eat until it fits me so I can wear it anywhere else than to bed!