Saturday, July 19, 2008

Man or Mouse?

And so, to the point....

Beginning of an article from USA Today:

"Scientists exploring the blasted terrain of nerves that give rise to crippling ailments like Lou Gehrig's disease now have an atlas to guide them.
The Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle unveiled the first phase of the world's first genetic atlas of the mouse spine today on the Internet, posting it alongside an atlas of genes in the mouse brain completed two years ago."

So now we have a true map of the spine of a mouse. I look forward to bigger things. I hope they find a spine in many humans that may seem lacking in that capacity.

As for me, I am better than a mouse, last I checked.



MargieCM said...

From tiny acorns ...

I hope the mice understood that their lives were not fiddled with in vain, and that people with children, husbands, wives, lovers, brothers and sisters may soon be spared crippling disease because someone did the legwork (or spinework) with these miniature martyrs.

I think my spine is OK. I'm sure yours is. If only we could be sure that the people who make decisions on our behalf were as sturdy in the vertebrae department. Ah well. Do you think there's a lab somewhere experimenting on mice to breed a better calibre of politician? Do you think it's time I went to bed?

grace said...

mightier than a mouse, Dan!

take care, xo

Dale said...

Well, I'm bigger than one, anyway!

MargieCM said...

Where've you been Dan? I thought I'd see you more over at Rachel's Kew blog. It was a fun week. Make sure you pop over and hear the music now it's up!

Hope everyone's well and happy in your neck of the woods.