Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Tribute to Neil Young

Once, while on "dueling guitars" with Jimmy Page, Page said to Neil something along the lines of: "You get some real sound out of that thing".

Yes, Neil young gets some real sound.

Today's tribute to another one of those guys we call, "The Man".


Mike S said...

Hey Dan,

Nice blog going on.I saw Neil on
Conan,he was on there all week.
He was very funny,great sense
of humor!I need to get his latest CD. Nice tribute!

Dan L. said...


You, know, Pete Townshend did this to me. I enjoy posting all this stuff.

The whole Neil Young thing has been a blast all these years(up and down, you know).

It seems Neil has landed on his feet these days. I am glad. What an amazing spirit he is!

