Sunday, July 31, 2011

What happens in the Summer...July

Cruz with Luna, the 4 month old Akita, about 3 weeks ago.


Cruz with grandson Jesse, in the pool! She has NEVER been able to be in the water with him his whole 5 years, due to her poor health! Also, her own first time in a pool since about....7-ish years!!! A great day!

Fr. Javier, his last day in our area, he has been so good and kind, and was the chaplain at our very helpful to us in the last few years.

Cruz and Jesse, tonight, with a pile of laundry in the back!

So much more to post, so much more to report....time issue.


1 comment:

Vallypee said...

Beautiful post, Dan! Cruz looks so beautiful and so loving. I'm so glad she managed to get in the pool this year. That seems to suggest she is feeling a lot better!