Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Winter in California, Summer in Australia, Lakers, guns, health, etc. etc.

This winter has brought wonderful beautiful snow to our local mountains. I wish I could wish the same for those in Australia....the pain runs deep.

We, here, know well the horrible effects of wildfires....every single year. They too, are living the hell. God, please have mercy on them, I pray.

As I ponder these things, I also live as best I can....with my sports favorites.....though nowhere as deep in trouble as the people "down under", wow.

The Lakers are doing the job quite well. I have followed them since around 1965 or earlier.

Gun sales and ammunition are OFF THE CHARTS here....thanks to our world's very incredibly and wonderfully unconditionally loved new president...ahem. Why is that, do you suppose? You folks outside the loop, in other countries, would likely not understand. I do. It's not me....go check for yourself. I did not buy all that....but people are. Yes, he is my president, I do support that. No, I do not believe in his values, and it goes way way far beyond guns. There, some of you can be angry at me.

Three, count 'em, THREE (3) surgeries are coming for my household. Not the best of things. Never are, nope.

I wish I had a great photo of the recent deep snow in our mountains....but I will make up for it with....

Our somewhat new, a couple of months now....but reluctantly wanted dog (by me, reluctant), Holly (short for little jalapeno, as suggested by my neighbor, Allen).



Vallypee said...

Another lovely piece of Dan land to ponder on. So sorry to hear about the surgery. That's going to be tough for all.

The pup is really cute, Dan...are you still so reluctant? ;-)

Guns? Well, I know they produce quite heated arguments even in my home, so I understand that must be even more so in the states.

The Lakers is a name I should know, and do, but can't remember what they play...ooops! Will go look it up.

Stay well, Dan and love to your Cruz ...and a cuddle for the pup too;)

grace said...

things to ponder Dan. good post.

all the best to you, and Cruz. love the dog pic. :)

MargieCM said...

Hi Dan, and many thanks for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf my friend. They are greatly appreciated, and I know you understand.

I'm very sorry to hear about the surgeries. I hope they all go well and lead to better health for those who are undergoing them.

Of Lakers I am ignorant (well, I know who they are of course, but I don't follow sports much). I'm glad they have a loyal follower in you though.

Now to the question of guns. I need you to expand on this one for me Dan - what's the correlation between your new President and increasing desires for guns and ammunition? This is not a trick question - I genuinely don't see it. What are the people afraid of? Lawlessness? Economic catastrophe? Racial issues? All or none of these things?

You know, I think, that I have a great regard for Barack Obama, and also have good friends (in Alabama) who are delighted he is now at the helm, but I am keen to understand all viewpoints, and as you suggest, I am "out of the loop".

You also know I'm anti-guns, and never did understand the perceived need for guns in the home, nor the American insistence on the right to have them. (I know about the Constitution, but circumstances have changed over the years, and so has society and the nature of the enemy to be defended against). Your experience of and feelings on these things too are different, and I am an outsider, although there are also people in this country who feel the way you do.

I respect you Dan, and genuinely do want to understand. Anger would be misplaced and useless. There's nothing wrong with differing opinions - just the unwillingness to consider the other side of the coin, and I hope I am not unwilling to listen. Help me out here please Dan!

Oh, and Holly is lovely. I hope you and she will become good friends. Remember, even unlikely pairings can become good friends.

M x

Vallypee said...

Dear Dan, I hope all's well with you. I always have a slight concern when you go quiet. Are the surgeries over now? Keep well and keep in touch.

Dale said...

Hi Dan!

Well, first things first. Holly is such a cutie and I know she will impress upon your own sweet heart, Dan.
Would you please send some of that deep snow my way? I have a friend who just left to ski Mammoth because of all the deep snow!
Please accept my thoughts and prayers for those members of your family who are in need of medical care. I hope they all recover better than ever.
As well, I respect your insight regarding your new President. As a Canadian, I can only see from the outside in. What I do see is a nation buoyed by hope, if nothing else.
As far as traditional, organised teamsports go, I don't really follow them. I prefer the individual activities like skiing, mountain biking and swimming. So I will give a cheer for your Lakers!
I, too, live with the wildfire season and have seen first-hand the devastation it can wreak - as well as the beauty in the aftermath.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Dan.


grace said...

Hello Dan, nice to C U! Hope life is treating you well. :)