Sunday, August 26, 2007

California Desert

Me, Dan, and my future wife to be, Cruz, in the California desert during the winter, circa 1981 or '82. We were situated about 60 miles or so from Las Vegas, Nevada.
The scan of this image was very messed up, so...I apologize. I tried a very long time to fix it...but it did not happen.


grace said...

No, the picture looks great.

It looks like you have done alot of hiking in your life Dan?

MargieCM said...

I'm with Grace - I get the feeling you're a man who appreciates the wonder that is the surrounding landscape, and gets out and enjoys it at every opportunity. Nice pic!

Dale said...

Scan or no scan, it's a great pic, Dan!

Ha Ha...not to mean to rhyme.

You look so happy!

How is Cruz doing?