Monday, October 30, 2006

Air Show at Edwards AFB, California

Here are just some of the photos from Sunday, 10/29/06, at the Edwards AFB 2006 Open House and Air Show. A beautiful Sunday. Myself and 3rd daughter, Rachel, are featured. The USAF Thunderbirds, an LAPD (Los Angeles Police Dept.) helicopter, the B-2 Stealth Flying Wing Bomber, B-52, the 747 Space Shuttle Transport Vehicle, F-22, F-16, P-51, A-10, F-117 Stealth Fighter, and the F-15, are all represented in these photos. Enjoy!



Natters said...


Thank you for stopping by my blog. I replied on there.

I'm going to show your pictures of the Air Show to my dad - he loves them and I use to get dragged to Mildenhall every year. I don't know if you've heard of it but it was a very popular Air Show in the south of England.

Lannio said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Humm these photos remind me of an old flame that used to be in my life. He was a pilot for Canada's top flight team, the snowbirds.

James Casey said...

The Stealth Flying Wing Bomber has a shape I prefer to that of the Stealth Fighter, which looks like early to mid-1990s computer game graphics.

I haven't been to an airshow or military airbase in far too long. Thanks for the photos.

Metalchick said...

Hi Dan,
Great pictures! I wish I had taken some myself, the thunderbirds show was awesome! there were times when they looked like they were playing "chicken" when they were flying over each other.

I wish I were seeing The Who, but on the brightside, at least I'm finally going to see Rachel!
Are you going to the blogger dinner?

See you on Tuesday!

grace said...

Hi Dan, my Dad used to love stuff like this, he would have liked this air show.