Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Visit with History...and the Now

Hey music fans, notice anything here...besides me blocking the view?

Here is the car I was blocking in the above picture. It is an old Don Garlit's dragster. My daughter and I were visiting the NHRA Hot Rod Museum and Cruise Night on Wednesday.

Hey, little Cobra!

This car was juiced up to 183 miles per hour at Bonneville salt Flats in 1960. It is a 1957 Plymouth. Looks a LOT like the old car they brought out of the ground from that time capsule in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This car looks gads better.

My youngest, Marion, stands next to a famous old dragster.

The future is now! TV at the gas pump (petrol, for some Euro-folk). This was KTLA channel 5, a Los Angeles station on the way home from the car stuff.

A blast from the past: This is a picture of General Joe Engle (Astronaut, X-15 pilot, and associate of Chuck Yeager...the sound barrier guy), my daughter, Michelle, and me, Dan. It was around 1996 I think. The very next year I caught up with Joe again, and while he was being escorted away from the VIP stands, I held up this caught his eye, he stepped over to me...and signed it! This scan of the photo was before he signed it, of course.


grace said...

Hi Dan, yes, Pete is on your smashing shirt!:)

Nice score on the autograph. Very cool museum.

MargieCM said...

Haha - you can't trick Grace.

I'm not into the draggy thing Dan, but that little Cobra is beautiful. I could do that.

What a great picture that is of you, Michelle and General Joe! How lovely of him to notice it and come over and sign it for you too.

Lucy said...

Hi Dan,

Sorry I don't drop by much, though I have thought of you. :-)

Thanks for asking about my Geetar. It's well-healed now. The guy did a great job on it. He's a rare breed, this guitar man. I may interview him soon for a children's magazine article.

Take care! and your new blog looks great!! (it's newly designed in'it?)

- Lucy.

Lucy said...

ha, ha! Yeah, funny about the T shirt. Can't miss the silhouette! (though, apparently I did!)

Dan L. -- P.S. your writing style always cracks me up.

Dale said...


I am so glad for the redneck influence in my life - otherwise I'd not have recognised any of the names.

It pays to be fifty and have had a colourful life - even here in Canada.

Not to mention the fact that guitar's seconds ran out years ago...
