Saturday, August 16, 2008

Doings around and about...

My sister gave me a birthday gift a bit early. It is a fine framed photo of some guy in the air.
One day, my neighbor, Allen (far left), was cleaning his van at his garage. Here is my daughter, Rachel (left), his daughter, Violet (the smaller one), and a guest from Germany, Annika. it is very blurred, sorry, but still worth a laugh.

The sun was going, going, gone as this photo was taken...
It is (from left) my wife, Cruz, myself, and two old friends that I have seen only twice in about 25 years. It was very, very fun to see them again. It is a long story, but I was exceedingly uplifted.


Dale said...

Happy Birthday, Dan!

We're in the same club, now.

I love the photo of Pete. He's just so great.

Good to hear all is well with you and yours.


grace said...

Dan, Happy Birthday!

"Who" is that guy? geez can he even play guitar,?!!! lol

u rock, all the best for a great year xox

Metalchick said...

Happy Belated Birthday Dan!

That's a great photo of Pete. Speaking of Pete, I didn't mean that I found a guitarist better than Pete, I meant to say that he's almost as good as Pete, but not better.

Vallypee said...

Happy belated birthday Dan! Welcome to the club! That's a superb photo of our Pete. What a great present!

The other two pics are so much fun too.

Have a great year our Dan xx

MargieCM said...

Happy birthday to yooooou, Happy birthday to yooooou ... I am so rubbish at dates Dan, so my apologies for having lost track of the day - again. What a great present though!

So a happy birthday, a fab present and an uplifting experience with old friends. Quite a hat-trick.

May you and your family have a wonderful year ahead my friend.