Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday, Joshua Tree National Park

Here is where I was, with my sweet wife, Cruz,... in the desert of Southern California, as most of the games unfolded...though I was able to watch a chunk of the Green Bay loss.

So sorry, Green Bay! So sorry, San Diego!..

The football world will likely be owned by the Patriots of New England. I am NOT a "Pats" fan, but Green Bay shoulda won that playoff game....though I do not believe they can...or could have....beat the Patriots.
Cruz, and our youngest daughter, now not so young, same day.
Rachel, daughter number three of four, up in the rocks.


Fleur de Bee said...

VERY cool rocks! I was in your neck of the woods just 2 weeks ago. Damn cold it was! Hope the sunshine is there when I return! Cruz always looks to happy in photos! What energy!


Dale said...

Hi Dan!
Hope you had a lovely Holiday Season and Happy New Year to you and Yours!

I love the outdoors, too, and your photos always do justice to the landscape. Especially when you and Cruz are the subjects, as well.

I remember Joshua Tree...
No, I was never there, but the one and only time I was ever in Vegas we have FELT the place.
There was a large earthquake that awoke us a 3 a.m. one morning as our hotel creaked, rocked and swayed. Scared me witless, to say the least! Apparently the epicentre of the quake was at Joshua Tree.

grace said...

Hi Dan,

How are you? Great photos. You guys are always having fun hiking.

have a good weekend