Monday, April 16, 2007

The Method -- I get a shot a this





MargieCM said...

Dan, do I take it from this post that you have been invited to be an official sitter for the project? If so, I am really delighted for you. I know you will value the experience, and I feel you deserve it too. I hope we'll get a chance to hear your piece!

M x

grace said...

Dan, I hope you get an official spot. This is all news to me today, I have been signed for some time now, TBWHM. Guess am confused on the details.

Dan L. said...

Hi to all you two folks that left me a comment!

To help respond to your mentionings, here is what I received (very unexpectantly) just this last week:

Congratulations, Dan (with full name), you've won the Lifehouse Lottery!

You have been granted the opportunity to sit for 3 musical portraits.

You are one of the first few people to have this opportunity and we would like to
request your assistance in beta testing the system before its official launch later
this year. What this means in practice is that if you encounter any problems while
sitting for your musical portrait wed like you to tell us about them including
copies of any error messages you see. We'd also like you to let us know if you have
any difficultly using the system or have any comments on how we could improve it.
We may also be contacting you to ask your opinion of specific aspects of the system.

If you'd prefer not to provide this additional feedback or want to wait until the
system is in a more polished state then please let us know by sending email to before sitting for a musical portrait - this will
forfeit your current opportunity to sit for a musical portrait but will not prevent
you from winning again as a later date.

To sit for your musical portraits you will need to log-in at using your email address and the password
you chose when you created your profile.

We also request that you keep your password confidential and do not allow others
to make use of the system by logging in as you.

best regards


There you have it!

I have, so far, done one sitting only. It is pretty neat. I have yet find proper time to go it again, but it does not take long.

I am honored, but don't really understand why. I know not how this shabang works.
