Saturday, October 28, 2006

22 year Wedding Anniversary Dinner, evening, 10/27/06

Cruz, my wife, at the chow, me on camera, before chow myself.



Fleur de Bee said...

Congrats! That is fantastic!!!! I am comming up on 5 LOL. Seems so small compared to 22! heheh

Koos F said...

Congratulations to you and your wife, Dan. May your days be long and pleasant!

Thanks a lot for you wonderful comment on the churches post. Sad, all the damage in New Orleans churches. I can imagine so vividly that especially there they must have been colourful!

Jonathan said...

Sorry I'm late Dan -

Happy Anniversary to you and Cruz!

grace said...

Hi Dan, Happy Anniversay!!! and congrats on Attic Jam tix. It is going to be so much fun. I'm jealous!!!!
x Grace

Chris Capp said...

Congrats to you and your lovely wife, Dan. 22 years is quite an achievement in today's culture of immediate and constant gratification. You are an inspiration.

Looking forward to the Hotel Cafe show next week!

- Chris

Metalchick said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!