Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A great, wonderful place!

On the road to Idyllwild (see previous posts to understand), this lake is suddenly by the side of the road.

Please, PLEASE click on the photos, they will grow to a great view!

Oh my!



MargieCM said...

Just beautiful, Dan. btw, did Marion have a fabulous time? Hang on though - it's not two weeks yet, is it? She'll still be having it then.

Loved your Stones phone post. I mean, really. It's a bit like someone looking over the fence at his neighbour's Ferrari and saying "yes, but hey, I've just invented the roller skate."

Love to you and yours, M x

Jonathan said...

Beautiful. Alluring. Grand. Magnificent. Resplendent. Wonderful. Enthralling. Awesome.

What more can I say? Peaceful - that's it! It looks very peaceful as well...

Metalchick said...

Wow! sometimes I forget how beautiful California can be, and I live here!

E.L. Wisty said...

Thanks for these photos Dan! Truly amazing sceneries.
