Saturday, June 03, 2006

Who is this?

Who do you think this is?
What is she doing?
Hint: WWII

You make the call. I know the answer, but you may wish to guess. I will post the answer after a couple...or a few days.


QUEEN ELIZABETH II, Queen of England! She is seen here working on a truck in Britain, during the war effort. It appears to be a military truck.

--Dan L.


Anne-Marie said...

Hi Dan,
You need to go check out Pete's blog. He's baaack!


ginab said...

Be sure to join in the fun soon!

My guess is Madeline Albright, changing a tire. But you know I'm only guessing!


Dan L. said...

I did NOT realize PT was "back", until much later. I actually check his blog most regularly, but my link was somehow messed up. I am, maybe not a worthy one...BUT I AM!

Of course, all are.

Thanks SO MUCH for informing me!

The photo on my blog...
Not Albright... but not too far from the idea...

--Dan L.

Sarah said...

Hey Dan, I just counted up the first 100...hoping beyond hope that I would have made it in there....I figured it was way too late by the time I commented, but I am in there - and so are you! You were the 85th person to comment (I was the 89th) --- so we're in luck afterall. Just wanted to let you know! :o)

Metalchick said...

Hi Dan,
My guess is Shirley Temple, and I think she is building a part of a car, I don't know.

Metalchick said...

Whoa! I was way off with my guess. Who would've thought that a queen had done something like that in the past.

lryicsgrl said...

Dear Dan,
Just thought if I brought this to you, you would appreciate it. Copied and pasted from Pete's blog...

"Wire & Glass is a six track selection from a ten song Mini-Opera based on my Novella The Boy Who Heard Music which I serialized here until February. The first thousand people who comment here will get free advanced downloads of the entire CD when it is released in Europe in September, and if you are one of those thousand who can correctly guess the title we choose, you'll get a free CD with a bonus demo track."

Have a good day, Dan


ginab said...

WoW! I was waaaaaay off. Different lands, different hands. Hmm.

Neat idea. Keep us guessing!


Fleur de Bee said...

uh...Shirley Temple? ROFL.

Hi Dan!!! drop me a line to view my new blog and I will add you.


Dan L. said...

Well, ballerina, I would comment on your web/blog, but THERE IS NOT ONE!


Try again...

--Dan L.

Metalchick said...

Hey ballerinagurl,
What does ROFL stand for?

Shirley Temple was just a wild guess.