This cat is somewhere around 13, 14, 15, or more years old. She was very relaxed in the front yard as I arrived home from work on Monday. Can you see her head and half of her body is...upside-down? She did not move at all for a very long time. She is one of those strays that hooks up and decides to stay. We have had her forever. She is quite old now. Her fur is looking bad...but I will never tell her.
Hi Dan,
Lovely picture. My old cat Sybil lived to be a whisker away from 20. (She was called Sophie, but when our youngest daughter was born my mother said Sophie was too nice a name to waste on a cat so we changed it and pinched hers for #3. The cat didn't seem to mind, but for the first 2 weeks of Soph's life her 2-year-old sister called her "baby cat." Very confusing!
Anyway, Sybil stayed healthy til the last couple of weeks of her life, when she just slowed down. In the end, she just fell asleep in the sun in the front garden and didn't wake up. Class act. Hope your moggy is as fortunate. Hope I am, come to think of it!
We now have Sadie, a Siamese-tabby cross, who is deliciously mad and very sociable.
See? I CAN write about nothing in particular!
Love, Mx
That is confusing.
Neat stretch out. Bea Bea loves a square patch of sun and heat. If only I had a camera! ugh.
20? !!!
I should like to leave this world in the middle of a nap!
Some, like we here in CA, have cameras, but oh so cheap they are! They get something though.
--Dan L.
Hello, Dan!
Congratulations to your daughter on her Confirmation. My daughter , Emma (yes, named after Pete's daughter) will receive her's next year.
Love the pics of your cat!!
Take care~
That is a very pretty kitty. I had a calico cat named Chica for about 14 years. It broke my heart when we had to put her down, but she was suffering because of leukemia.
Congratulations on your daughters confirmation.
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