Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Big Air Show at March Air Reserve Base, CA

Rachel, our Rachel, at the air show in front of several F-16 fighter planes. March ARB, CA..

Other photo with small plane: the F-117 "Stealth" fighter (bomber, actually).

The "Snowie" ice treat stand, one of the vendors operating at the show...with
Allen and his wife, Jenn (Jennifer).

A B-52 intercontinental bomber visiting the air show from Barksdale AFB, Louisiana.

One of the Thunderbird's F-16 aircraft, being towed after going "down"...prior to thier great demonstration. A backup plane performed instead.

Robosaurus, a giant 40 ft. tall robotic beast that breathes fire and lifts cars to eat and crush them.

These descriptions are in no particular order, but I think they are easy to follow.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Bunch of Fun

Some images from "In the Attic", with Rachel Fuller, "Music Mikey", and Pete Townshend...and their internet broadcast. Included was Paul B's video image, and Gary's song.

I was testing my new digital camera.

----Dan L.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Day in the Desert, Joshua Tree National Park

Top left = Tea Time with Lipton "Brisk" Iced Tea (no ice, sugar-free).

Top right = My little car in the desert

Bottom Left = Marion (one of our daughters) and cruz (my wife), side by side

Bottom Right = Rachel (another daughter) wandering the rocks

"Click" on the whole image for a bigger and grander view!

Taken at Joshua Tree National Park, Sunday afternoon, 4/23/06


Friday, April 21, 2006

How low can you go?

F-4 Phantom, banking and turning VERY close to the ground. I don't know who took this photo, but it sure was close! The US no longer flies the Phantom, but the memories are all around.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

U.S.S Nimitz turns during Sea Trials?

This ship, the US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, appears to be undergoing sea trials some years back. This is an amazing photo, taken by somebody, that demonstrates the amazing resilience of what is supposed to be a steady, relatively level platform of force extension and sea power. Note the lack of aircraft on the deck. This is certainly a test of ability for a huge ship that is normally a floating airport.

--Dan L.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

May this Sunday bring you the joy of Easter!

As you may already know, we celebrate Easter here, in our home. It is 1:25 AM, Sunday morning. We have just returned from the Easter Vigil Celebration at a local parish. We are so excited...there will be gift baskets left out during the night by my wife, Cruz, for all the kids (even though the youngest is now 15!). We will then enjoy a wonderful (I hope) spiral ham, potato salad, and a great meal later in the day.

Peace to all of you, whatever your faith may be!

--Dan L.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

My art hangs high for the year to come

I was asked to participate in the design of a banner for the jubilee at our local parish church. I designed a sketch of St. Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus Christ. My drawing was completed, but I was then asked to simplify the details, and convert it to a "line" image. I was not in agreement with this, as it diminished the details and accuracy of my work. In the end, I did as they wished. The final product hangs in front of the church by the street. It is my contribution, though not to my liking so much...I am proud enough, just the same.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Our Garage band, The FonTones

The FonTones: Allen, left. Dan, on the right. Marion, the part-timer, is taking the photo. We are pictured here, in the garage. The music of the evening was an attempt to play anything. We got...halfway there.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

An amazing sight!

This beautiful picture, I believe a "photo of the year" from National Geographic, was taken not too far from my home, from Joshua Tree National Park.

I so loved that visit from the comet. It was stunning and fantastic. We sat at dinner, while that comet graced the sky just outside (and very visibly) through our dining room window. It went on for days.


Sunday, April 02, 2006


USS Iowa, full broadside, 16 in. guns.

There is a picture (maybe by now somewhere in my blog's "archives"), that shows the USS Iowa (A WWII era battleship) in it's early youth. This is a much, much later version of that same ship, probably 1990's. Look at the movement of that ship in the water!!

--Dan L.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Who is the king of the guitar?

There was a poll of some kind that took place recently in a popular music magazine. It rated guitar players according to their skills (you'd think). Pete was ranked somewhere around number fifty or sixty. I think they made a mistake. He is much better than that. Looking at this picture, I suppose he would agree...royally!
