Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I am supposed to say a few words, according the "tag" I received. What is that? I dunno!

My picture is meant to be playful. I answer the call to "go to the mirror, boy".

I was informed in my blog comments in another section, that I have been "tagged". That is supposed to result in the following...

Five things are supposed to be shared by me, as I understand.

Well then...

1) I have climbed Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain in the continguous states, four times (once in less than 12 hours).

2) I have had my dearly beloved Gibson SG for 28 years, and am only now really really trying my best to use it. It has become a relic of sorts, since it is so "old", as I am becoming.

3) My wife, Cruz, is a most beautiful and sweet Yaqui Indian/MexicanAmerican. She is perfect for me. I am imperfect for her. That may be our connection...she puts up with me.

4) I love flight. Spaceflight, aircraft, you name it. I love it. We can soar with all of that.

5) There is nothing in the whole world like looking our children in the eye. They KNOW. I love every second of that.


lryicsgrl said...

You did a superb job at "tag". It's just a process to get people "talking", and a good way to start a new post. Not at all like a "chain letter".
Don't you agree?

I hope our exchanges continue, long after PT leaves the blogisphere.

BTW, I would love him to keep a "blog", but I don't think that will happen. SIGH!!!

jungleape said...

Now, you ain't so pink.

TheStLouieWhoie said...

Bravo mate :) I enjoyed reading your five statements about yourself. It makes me want to meet you even more. Your comment about your wife was beautiful. It reminded me of Rachel's song called "Imperfection". Have you heard it?
My dad and half sister are coming over for dinner tonight ;)
Love, Denise

Claire Eliza said...

Ah, you have an SG! Geez! my dream is to have one.
Congrats on climbing the mountain!
- claire -

Nabonidus said...

Wow, I bet your wife is so beautiful,
Yaqui Indian! she probably has the most beautiful bone structure in her face. Weird thing to say, I know.
But living in San Diego,what can I say?
I recently saw an Indian-Mexican boy
of about 10 and I couldn't stop looking at him. His cheekbones, nose, he was so beautiful! Looked like he'd
stepped off of a temple wall, his face was so classic. I hope I haven't offended anyone with these statements.
I think you understand what I'm trying to say. :)
And I know that many Mexicans are
very devout Catholics, so I am happy for you that you found a partner in your faith, also. :)

E.L. Wisty said...

Ahha! Product placement! One can't make out the brand of the phone from the picture but "toyota" is clearly visible on your t-shirt!

Just joking. Very beautifully said, points #3 and #5 here!

Amanda and SuperAmanda™ said...

Hi dan,
I ust moved so I've been off grid for a time. Noticed on Justin's blog that you are into 'Spirit"
Here is a link to me covering 'Mr. Skin' its a guide vocal so I'm purposefully singing lower than usual but i still think it rocks.
Have a fun Sunday,

Anne-Marie said...

Nice tag list, Dan.
I am a great fan of flight and all things related. I have to teach it in science, which I love. Pop bottle rockets and paper airplanes are the best part of September.
