I have often found the month of March to seem rather long....it takes a while to wander around in it, and through it...only to finally arrive in a similar month....APRIL. Now, all that being said, is it really already March 7th? Time flew a bit.
Speaking of MARCH...
March Air Reserve Base is scheduled to have an air show in early May. I may go, in May.
The photo above has only little in common with March ARB, but I thought it was cool. Dunno where I found it, somewhere on the net. It is from days gone by, back when the Blackbirds flew out of Beale AFB. They no longer fly, never will, since 1999. There is one on display at March ARB, or rather, not at the base, but next to it at the March Museum.
What, me post more photos? But I always do....
This photo (above), was probably taken in 2009. It is one of my most favorite local churches.
A couple of months back, some of us here, at the ranch, saw the movie ASTROBOY. I think I was the only one that connected, since I knew him when he was on the tube in the early sixties.
Art Clokey, creator of GUMBY, died recently. He lived down the street from my sister. I was going to go and meet that man, but he was not well, and I never got there. He left us all a lot of fun.
wife's uncle has also passed. He was much loved, will be much missed.
Lent continues, we change clocks next week, it has rained enough to get us out of much of the water shortages in the state.
cat is still like a dog.
Hope all who read this are well.