Sunday, June 28, 2009


Jesse is doing WHAT?
The grandboy is growing, and he is grander!

This is a photo of a cabin about a half an hour from our home (not counting the hike to get to it....add about half an hour more). I would almost call this a tree house....!!! A great place to take a mountain hike, the canyon where this house is has been a favorite of mine since about 1963 when I first walked up in there.

I did not take the picture, so wherever I got it from, and I do not recall....I credit you.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Recent Happenings

Mother's Day for my wife, Cruz.

Amazingly calm, yet brisk, and strikingly stunning spring weather!

Me, Dan, or what is left of me...totally enjoying the weather of the moment.
Love from us,