Saturday, December 29, 2007

A bit to last month...A November Moment

Me, My Dad, My two older brothers...Frank and Steve. The first time we stand together for almost 40 years!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas present, music, and Christmas past


An usual painting of the Nativity, since Christ is not centered. It is a different perspective, though He is central to the whole story, nontheless.

It is Saturday. I was in a fabulous little music store this evening. I came home with a ukelele for my wife! As these pictures were snapped off with my cell phone camera, my dinner was on the table at a restaurant a couple of blocks away, wife and daughter waiting for me and another daughter. I made it back OK. Christmas is fun!

The site of my Dad's birth in New Orleans (French Quarter), this photo was taken by me right after Christmas in 1984. The property is longer in the family, as his parents (my Grandparents) are long passed on, and it was their home. I enjoyed visiting there on several occasions, and miss the old days...though I would never wish to live in that part of the country.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

December happenings & other moments PLUS a LATE ENTRY...

As of November 3rd, the little boy (grandson of me) has been 2 years old. Here he is with my oldest daughter (his mom), Serena, just this very month.

A blurry image of my wife, Cruz, with her Mom, sometime in the 1970's. Her mother passed on in 1977. She would have LOVED that grandboy.

Cruz, this very evening, by the tree for Christmas.

The Kinks.

I only just now went to Virgin music (or whatever the name is) and got a substitute for my old LP. I wanted "Apeman" (studio version), not available on ITunes.

Let's retro to about two years ago on my blog, eh?...

Justin Kreutzmann and myself were fiddling around to each others email one night, and he invented this from an image of me, and one of Pete. That was fun. As you can see, Pete and seem quite happy, all strapped in on the front seat, but in reality, we fight over the car radio a whole lot.

12/17/07 article in CALENDAR section, L.A. Times....about VH1 Classic Channel episodes to air about the history of rock.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Preparing for Christmas, and the Pumpkin Past

Here, in our home, we are preparing for the celebration of Christmas. Click on it for a larger image.

The Annunciation, ca.1644
oil on panel28 x 28.75 inches (71 x 73 cm.)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
photograph courtesy
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania

Though as Catholics, we here celebrate the Immaculate Conception on this day (Dec. 8th), I post an image of the famous biblical event known as The Annunciation, because it is on my mind.

In another light...
Our little Rachel (not so little anymore), on a Halloween seasonal romp among the pumkins, many years ago. She is running with the eternal joy and innocence of youth.