This is the last day of June. It is closing in on regular 100 degree temperatures soon...we have already been there. Glad to finally have some half decent A/C this year. What a difference! If one were to study the great achievements in the history of mankind, it has been said that the invention of air conditioning may well have had the most influentional effect on the economy ever seen. No, I don't mean electric bills...I am talking about office space in the desert. I am talking about meat packing plants in the inner city. I am talking about hospitals. On it goes...I know there have been great publications about this subject, but one would have to Google them, I have no links at this time. One related subject alone: Hoover Dam. Arizona would not be the same without it.
...a picture of the Sr-71 Blackbird in flight at Edwards AFB, CA, around 1997 or so. Notice the P-51 Mustangs at lower right. The Mustangs flew in a formation (there were more than two), with Chuck Yeager flying one of them. He flew those planes many years ago in combat. Yeager also opened the air show with a sonic boom (breaking the sound barrier) while flying an F-15. He has done that opening for years, but no longer does it anymore (he is in his 80's now). He is of course famous for breaking the sound barrier in 1947 with a rocket plane at Muroc (Muroc, the earlier name of the base before Edwards). Yes, I took this photo. The "triple-sonic-plus" SR-71 Blackbirds no longer fly, but boy what a sight they were!